Come Prep With Mo
Raise your SAT/ACT scores. Write spectacular essays for admissions to top schools with scholarships. Guaranteed.
Come Prep With Mo
Raise your SAT/ACT scores. Write spectacular essays for admissions to top schools with scholarships. Guaranteed.

Our Mission
The one reason why PrepWithMo exists is to prepare students to use knowledge to pursue purpose.
Whether it’s the SAT/ACT, or it’s college applications and essays, for us, what ultimately counts – beyond particular test scores or admissions results – is that a child 1) actually learns, 2) leaves with an appreciation of the value of coming to know, and 3) gets inspired to use their knowledge to pursue purpose.
Tangibly, what this means is that we might ask your child to work out that math problem a third time instead of feeding them the answer the first time because we believe they will learn better that way. It means we might ask them to write that essay afresh because we believe they can do better, even though their current effort is passable. It definitely means that, for us, it is way more important to get your child to learn and to see how knowledge helps with purpose than it is to help them avoid feeling surly at trying again and again, or irritated at how demanding we can be, or frustrated that we set such high standards.
We want to partner with your family to elevate your child, and we can’t wait to meet you!

— Mo Akin

SAT/ACT Coach & College Admissions Counselor
Do you worry that your child will not get into that top college or get that great scholarship?
At PrepWithMo, we understand why; today’s college entry process is more challenging, frustrating, and crucial than ever before. In this highly competitive environment, two key factors — SAT or ACT scores and essays — greatly impact the decision over which students get into America’s best colleges.
Even the smartest of students have experienced difficulty with the confusing and foreign nature of SAT and ACT questions as well as how fast they have to think to be successful. Helping students through this daunting endeavor is the specialty of Mo Akin — a uniquely skilled SAT/ACT coach and college admissions counselor with proven strategies and insights into how the tests operate, along with a personal story of outstanding success.

Meet the Team
Who We Are
We’re a team of professionals devoted to endlessly enhancing the lives of college applicants. Learn about our experts on college test prep and admissions who have already been where you and your child are now.

Why We Care
Unfortunately, one of the main pitfalls in college admissions today is the process itself. Mo understands both the competitive climate and the emotional toll that comes with top admissions and scholarships. Parents and students spend considerable time, energy and stress on a confusing and convoluted process. It’s a formidable challenge, but we understand and are here for you!
Think of PrepWithMo as a lighthouse for your destination — helping you navigate difficult waters while avoiding common problems along the way. Our founder and head tutor, Mo, initially developed his approach and strategy for himself. After watching his parents worry about not being able to provide the very best education for their child, he was determined to do something about it himself. He knew there must be a more logical and workable way to achieve perfect scores on tests like the SAT and ACT along with writing college-approved essays, so he developed a strategic approach for acing every aspect of college admissions.
After doing just that, he and his family were overjoyed to find that an education worth $250,000 cost him zero dollars; he earned scholarships totaling half a million along the way! Ultimately, he got to attend one of the world’s top engineering schools, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Hear From Successful Students Who Have Worked With an SAT/ACT Coach & College Admissions Counselor
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How the Process Works
Sign Up
Your child signs up for a diagnostic here at PrepWithMo.
Sign up
Both parent and child come in for a short, 30-minute diagnostic version of the SAT/ACT. After that, we have a 20-minute consultation about the student's performance on the diagnostic.
Mo meets with them to diagnose their strengths and weaknesses.
Sign up
We don't score the diagnostic. Instead, our SAT/ACT coach and college admissions counselor asks the student about their knowledge of the skills being tested for, their choice of strategy, and their approach to time management.
We develop a personalized plan to raise their scores and improve their essays.
Sign up
During our consultation, we evaluate which of our programs will be ideal for a student given their performance on the diagnostic and their goals.
We counsel them to get into top schools with test prep and additional guidance.
Sign up
We get started on a customized and individualized program to help the family achieve its goals. Regular feedback via email and text will be a major feature of this experience.
Learn Even More About Our Services
The Pie Prep Promise
With us, it is personal. We know that effective tutoring must cater to your child’s individual needs.
Personal Attention
And we know that when your child knows that their tutor is personally committed to their success, they feel comfortable enough to get the most out of their college test prep and admissions counseling. This is why we focus on your child as a unique student. This way, we provide the information, motivation, and structure they need to succeed in college.
There is no way around it: great test scores come only after rigorous preparation and practice.
Intense Preparation
We know this from many years studying for tests like the SAT/ACT and writing college-approved essays. So, with us, your child doesn’t ignore this reality – they embrace it. With us, they get prepared for all question types on their test, they get hours of After Prep Assistance, and they also get hundreds of questions for regular practice and review. Really, we demand a lot from them, but we give a lot to them too. We do this because we know that when they get excellent preparation, they’ll get excellent results.
College admissions tests and essays are quite different from most other school assignments.
Expert Strategies
On the SAT and ACT, they need to be fast and accurate while also being strategic in how they approach questions. In addition, college admissions essays have special demands. The good news for you is we understand how these hurdles work. Our team has mastered the college admissions process over the years; some have scored over the 95th percentile and even obtained perfect scores. Plus, with almost a decade of tutoring experience, we know what it takes to get your child fully prepared to conquer their test or essay.

Sign Up for a Diagnostic With Our SAT/ACT Coach & College Admissions Counselor
You’ve done your part, investing in and nurturing your child all these years. Yet, your child may lose out on top admissions and scholarships just because they can’t figure out the SAT or ACT. It would be troubling for all your efforts to not be rewarded just because of low scores on tests or poor feedback on essays that your child can actually learn to master.
Since your child’s education will be among the most important factors when it comes to their success and overall happiness, why not give your child the support that will prepare them for success? Our personal attention, intense preparation, and expert strategies are just what your child needs to make the most of their potential.
Let Mo do the heavy lifting. After all, he knows the way.

If you have other questions or comments about our college prep program, please contact our SAT/ACT coach and college admissions counselor, Mo, along with his team of tutors and mentors today.